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Minggu, 07 September 2014

Latihan Soal Akuntansi Biaya Soal P6-6 (Metode FIFO)

Soal P6-6   (Metode FIFO)
Upton Manufacturing Company memproduksi single model suatu portable work bench
Perusahaan menggunakan process costing dengan metode FIFO, dan mencatat dalam
rekening WIP pada masing-masing Departemen Cutting dan Assembly.
Komponen produk bangku tersebut dipotong dari bahan wood dan metal di Dep Cutting
kemudian ditransfer ke Dep Assembly.
Berikut adalah data operasi bulan Oktober.
Dep Cutting Dep Assembly
Persediaan awal (unit)
Dep Cutting :               Material 100%
                                     Labor 40%
                                     FOH 50% 800 unit
Dep Assembly:           Material 80%
                                     Labor 50%
                                     FOH 60% 1,400 unit
Unit diproses mulai awal di Dep Cutting 9,200 unit
Unit yg ditransfer ke Dep Assembly 9,000 unit 9,000 unit
Unit yg ditransfer ke Finished Good inv. 8,600 unit
Persediaan akhir (unit) di :
Dep Cutting :                Material 80%
                                     Labor 60%
                                     FOH 50% 1,000 unit
Dep Assembly :          Material 75%
                                     Labor 50% 1,800 unit
                                     FOH 40%
Cost pd persediaan awal:
Biaya dr Dept sebelumnya  $   8,770,000
Materials  $   2,525,000  $   3,100,000
Labor   $      650,000  $      340,000
FOH  $      800,000  $      800,000
Cost yg ditambahkan bln Desember
Materials  $ 36,000,000  $ 22,075,000
Labor   $   9,280,000  $ 11,000,000
FOH  $ 11,375,000  $ 12,762,400
1)  Buat laporan produksi  Dept Cutting dan Dep Assembly dg metode FIFO
2) Jika masing2 Dep mempunyai rekening WIP sendiri2, buat jurnal untuk mencatat
    pembebanan biaya produksi dan transfer biaya antar departemen tersebut

WIP Dep Cutting WIP Dep Assembly
1/10 800 9,000 1/10 1,400 8,600
9,200 1,000 31/10   1,800 31/10
10,000 10,000 10,400 10,400
WIP Dep Cutting WIP Dep Assembly
($) ($)
1/10  $    3,975,000     1/10  $      13,010,000    
 $  36,000,000  $ 56,205,000 Cf PD  $      56,205,000  $            98,227,800
 $    9,280,000   M  $      22,075,000  
 $  11,375,000   L  $      11,000,000  
 $    4,425,000 31/10    F  $      12,762,400  $            16,824,600 31/10    F
 $  60,630,000  $ 60,630,000  $   115,052,400  $          115,052,400
Equivalent Unit
Departemen Cutting
Material = 800 x 0% + 8,200 +                   1,000 x 80%
Labor  = 800 x 60% + 8,200 +                   1,000 x 60%
FOH = 800 x 50% + 8,200 +                   1,000 x 50%
Departemen Assembly
Cf PD = 7,200 + 1,800 x 100%
Material = 1,400 x 20% + 7,200 +                   1,800 x 75%
Labor  = 1,400 x 50% + 7,200 +                   1,800 x 50%
FOH = 1,400 x 40% + 7,200 +                   1,800 x 40%
Cost per unit:
Departemen Cutting
Material  $ 36,000,000   =  $  4,000.00  per   unit 
Labor  $    9,280,000   =  $  1,000.00  per   unit 
FOH  $ 11,375,000   =  $  1,250.00  per   unit 
Total  $  6,250.00 per unit
Departemen Assembly
Cf PD      56,205,000   =  $  6,245.00  per   unit 
Material      22,075,000   =  $  2,500.00  per   unit 
Labor      11,000,000   =  $  1,250.00  per   unit 
FOH      12,762,400   =  $  1,505.00  per   unit 
Total  $11,500.00 per unit
Perhitungan Biaya
Departemen Cutting
Nilai Persediaan awal  $        3,975,000
Penyelesaian WIP:
M 0 x  $        4,000 =  $                      -  
L 480 x  $        1,000 =  $           480,000
F 400 x  $        1,250 =  $           500,000
 $           980,000
Unit Start and Finished 8,200 x  $  6,250.00 =  $     51,250,000
Transfer ke Dep Assembly  $     56,205,000
Persediaan Akhir Dep Cutting:
M     800 x  $        4,000 =  $        3,200,000
L     600 x  $        1,000 =  $           600,000
F     500 x  $        1,250 =  $           625,000
 $        4,425,000
TOTAL Biaya yang diperhitungkan  $     60,630,000
Departemen Assembly
Nilai Persediaan awal  $     13,010,000
Penyelesaian WIP:
M 280 x  $  2,500.00 =  $           700,000
L 700 x  $  1,250.00 =  $           875,000
F 560 x  $  1,505.00 =  $           842,800
 $        2,417,800
Unit Start and Finished 7,200 x  $11,500.00  $     82,800,000
Transfer ke FG Inventory  $     98,227,800
Persediaan Akhir Dep Assembly:
Cf PD  1,800 x  $  6,245.00 =  $     11,241,000
M  1,350 x  $  2,500.00 =  $        3,375,000
L     900 x  $  1,250.00 =  $        1,125,000
F     720  $  1,505.00  $        1,083,600
 $     16,824,600
TOTAL Biaya yang diperhitungkan  $   115,052,400
*)  Cf PD   =   Cost from Preceding Department

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