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Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

Soal Akuntansi Biaya P6-6 (Metode FIFO)

Twonka Beverage Company memproduksi minuman ringan dari jus buah
Perusahaan menggunakan process costing dengan metode FIFO, dan mencatat dalam
rekening WIP pada masing-masing Departemen Squeezing dan Mixing.
Berikut adalah data operasi bulan September.
Dep Squeezing Dep Mixing
Persediaan awal (unit)
Dep Squeezing :        Material 90%
                                     Labor 60%
                                     FOH 30% 600 unit
Dep Mixing:                 Material 50%
                                     Labor 20%
                                     FOH 20% 1,000 unit
Unit diproses mulai awal di Dep Squeezing 3,000 unit
Unit ditambahkan di dep Mixing 3,100
Unit yg ditransfer ke Dep Mixing 3,100 unit 3,100 unit
Unit yg ditransfer ke Finished Good inv. 6,400 unit
Persediaan akhir (unit) di :
Dep Squeezing :        Material 60%
                                     Labor 40%
                                     FOH 20% 500 unit
Dep Mixing :               Material 100%
                                     Labor 60% 800 unit
                                     FOH 60%
Cost pd persediaan awal:
Biaya dr Dept sebelumnya  $    1,770
Materials  $        1,088  $        100
Labor   $           172  $          55
FOH  $           172  $          74
Cost yg ditambahkan bln Desember
Materials  $        6,006  $    1,407
Labor   $        1,470  $    2,004
FOH  $        3,020  $    2,672
1)  Buat laporan produksi  Dept Squeezing dan Dep Mixing dg metode FIFO
2) Jika masing2 Dep mempunyai rekening WIP sendiri2, buat jurnal untuk mencatat
    pembebanan biaya produksi dan transfer biaya antar departemen tersebut

Perhitungan Biaya
Departemen Squeezing
Nilai Persediaan awal  $      1,432
Penyelesaian WIP:
M 40 x  $     2.11 =  $           85
L 160 x  $     0.51 =  $           82
F 280 x  $     1.05 =  $         294
 $         460
Unit Start and Finished 2,500 x  $     3.68 =  $      9,193
Transfer ke Dep Mixing  $    11,086
Persediaan Akhir Dep Squeezing:
M    300 x  $     2.11 =  $         634
L    200 x  $     0.51 =  $         103
F    100 x  $     1.05 =  $         105
 $         842
TOTAL Biaya yang diperhitungkan  $    11,928
Departemen  Mixing
Nilai Persediaan awal  $      1,999
Penyelesaian WIP:
M 500 x  $     0.21 =  $         105
L 800 x  $     0.30 =  $         240
F 800 x  $     0.40 =  $         320
 $         665
Unit Start and Finished 5,400 x  $     2.70  $    14,569
Transfer ke FG Inventory  $    17,233
Persediaan Akhir Dep Mixing:
Cf PD    800 x  $     1.79 =  $      1,430
M    800 x  $     0.21 =  $         168
L    480 x  $     0.30 =  $         144
F    480  $     0.40  $         192
 $      1,934
TOTAL Biaya yang diperhitungkan  $    19,168
*)  Cf PD   =   Cost from Preceding Department

Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

Latihan Soal Manajemen Keuangan 2 : IPO

  1. IPO Allocations
You have placed orders to purchase 100 shares of each of three IPOs. Each IPO is priced at $10 a share. The number of shares you are allocated and the market price at the end of the first day are:
                  Stock   Shares allocated        Market price
                    A                   100                       $  8.00
                   B                      80                       $11.00
                   C                    20                        $15.00
What is the amount of your total profit or loss on these stocks as of the end of the first day of trading?
  1. Flotation costs
The Alpha Co. wants to raise $20 million to fund a new project. The company estimates that it will spend $500,000 for accounting, legal and other costs related to the issue. The underwriting spread is 7.5 percent. The issue price of the stock is $25 a share.
How many shares of stock does the Alpha Co. need to sell?
  1. Rights – Number of shares needed
Tell Me Why, Inc. wants to raise $6 million to develop a new website designed for kids. The company has decided to do this through a rights offering with a subscription price of $40. The current market price of Tell Me Why, Inc. stock is $51.59 per share.
How many new shares of stock does the company need to sell?
Note:   The subscription price is less than the current market price. This is necessary if a right is to have any value.
  1. Rights – Number of rights
Telephoto, Inc. wants to raise $12 million through a rights offering. Each shareholder will receive one right for each share they own. The subscription price has been set at $20. Currently, the company has 1.5 million shares outstanding with a current market price of $28.45 a share.
How many rights will be issued?
How many rights will be needed to purchase one new share of stock in this offering?
  1. Rights – Value of a right
Kurt currently owns 4 shares of Ideals, Inc. These shares have a market value of $36 each. Ideals just announced the details of a new rights offering. The company will issue one right per share of outstanding stock. The new shares in this offering are priced at $20 plus 4 rights.
What is the value of one right?
  1. Rights – Value of a right
Alexander & Co. currently has a total firm value of $21.6 million. The company has decided to raise another $6 million through a rights offering. The subscription price is $15 per new share purchased. The company currently has 1.2 million shares outstanding and will issue one right per outstanding share.
How many rights will be needed to purchase one new share?
      What is the value of one right?
  1. Dilution - Ownership
Thomas owns 3,500 shares of stock in Hot Tamales. The company currently has 25,000 shares outstanding and is preparing to sell an additional 10,000 shares to finance future expansion. Tomas is not going to purchase any additional shares.
How will Thomas’ ownership position in Hot Tamales change as a result of this new issue of stock?
  1. Dilution – Accounting and financial
JKL, Inc. has compiled information on their current financial status as seen in the table on the next slide. The company is analyzing the financial impact of a proposed project. The project requires an initial investment of $200,000 for fixed assets. This investment will be funded by issuing additional shares of stock. The project has a net present value of $100,000 and a price / earnings ratio equal to that of the firm. 
Given this information, can you complete the last column on the next slide to show how the various values will change if the project is implemented?
  1. Dilution – Accounting and financial
What is the market value per share?
If the market value per share, also called the price, is $8.4444 and the price / earnings ratio is 16, what is the earnings per share?
If you multiply the earnings per share times the number of shares, won’t you get the net income?
Isn’t the return on equity equal to the net income divided by the book value?
  1. Dilution – Portfolio value
You own 5,000 shares of ABC Co. This represents a 20% ownership position. The current market price of ABC stock is $40 a share.
By what percentage will your portfolio value change if the company sells an additional 5,000 shares of stock at $38 a share and you do not buy any?

Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Soal Akuntansi Biaya : P 6-2 (Metode Average Cost)

Soal  P 6-2   (Metode Average Cost)
Rathbone Tool Company memproduksi single model suatu commercial cutting tool
Produk dicetak dari molten steel dalam Departemen Casting, dan kemudian 
ditransfer ke Departemen Finishing untuk dipoles
Berikut data bulan Desember:
Dep Casting Dep Finishing
Persediaan awal (unit) 1,000 unit 1,500 unit
Unit diproses mulai awal di Dep Casting 8,000 unit
Unit yg ditransfer ke Dep Finishing 7,500 unit 7,500 unit
Unit yg ditransfer ke Finished Good inv. 7,000 unit
Persediaan akhir (unit) di :
Dep Casting :               Material 100%
                                      Biaya konversi 80% 1,500 unit
Dep Finishing:               Labor 40%
                                       FOH 50% 2,000 unit
Cost pd persediaan awal:
Biaya dr Dept sebelumnya  $      4,785
Materials  $           915
Labor   $             60  $         201
FOH  $             90  $         555
Cost yg ditambahkan bln Desember
Materials  $     17,085
Labor   $        4,290  $      2,139
FOH  $        6,435  $      3,125
1)  Buat laporan produksi  Dept Casting dan Dep Finishing dg metode Average Cost
2) Jika masing2 Dep mempunyai rekening WIP sendiri2, buat jurnal untuk mencatat
    pembebanan biaya produksi dan transfer biaya antar departemen tersebut
WIP Dep Casting WIP Dep Finishing
1/12 1,000 1/12 1,500

7,500 7,000
8,000 1,500 31/12 2,000 31/12
9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
WIP Dep Casting WIP Dep Finishing
($) ($)
1/12  $          1,065 1/12  $            5,541
M  $        17,085  $     24,375 Cf PD  $          24,375  $            28,000
 $          4,290 L  $            2,139
F  $          6,435  $       4,500 31/12      F  $            3,125  $               7,180 31/12
 $        28,875  $     28,875  $          35,180  $            35,180
Equivalent Unit
Departemen Casting
Material = 7,500 + 100% x 1,500 =        9,000 unit
Labor  = 7,500 + 80% x 1,500 =        8,700 unit
FOH = 7,500 + 80% x 1,500 =        8,700 unit
Departemen Finishing
Cf PD = 7,000 + 100% x 2,000 =        9,000 unit
Labor  = 7,000 + 40% x 2,000 =        7,800 unit
FOH = 7,000 + 50% x 2,000 =        8,000 unit
Cost per unit:
Departemen Casting
Material       915  +   17,085 =  $  2.00  per   unit 
Labor          60  +     4,290 =  $  0.50  per   unit 
FOH          90  +     6,435 =  $  0.75  per   unit 
Total  $  3.25 per unit
Departemen Finishing
Cf PD    4,785  +   24,375 =  $  3.24  per   unit 
Labor       201  +     2,139 =  $  0.30  per   unit 
FOH       555  +     3,125 =  $  0.46  per   unit 
Total  $  4.00 per unit
Perhitungan Biaya
Departemen Casting
Transfer ke Dep Finishing 7,500 x  $  3.25 =  $  24,375
Persediaan Akhir Dep Casting:
M    1,500 x  $  2.00 =  $    3,000
L    1,200 x  $  0.50 =  $       600
F    1,200 x  $  0.75 =  $       900
 $    4,500
TOTAL Biaya yang diperhitungkan  $  28,875
Departemen Finishing
Transfer ke FG Inventory 7,000 x  $  4.00 =  $  28,000
Persediaan Akhir Dep Casting:
Cf PD    2,000 x  $  3.24 =  $    6,480
L       800 x  $  0.30 =  $       240
F    1,000 x  $  0.46 =  $       460
 $    7,180
TOTAL Biaya yang diperhitungkan  $  35,180
*)  Cf PD   =   Cost from Preceding Department
Overstreet Company
Cutting Department
Cost of Production Report
For April, 20A
Skedul Kuantitas Materials Labor Overhead Quantity
Persediaan Awal 1,000
Mulai proses periode ini 8,000
Transfer ke Dep Finishing 7,500
Persediaan Akhir 100% 80% 80% 1,500
Biaya dibebankan ke Departemen Total Cost Equivalent Unit  Unit Cost
Persediaan Awal
Materials  $       915
Labor  $         60
Factory Overhead  $         90
Total biaya di persediaan awal  $    1,065
Biaya ditambahkan selama periode berjalan
Materials  $  17,085 9,000  $      2.00
Labor  $    4,290 8,700  $      0.50
Factory Overhead  $    6,435 8,700  $      0.75
Total biaya ditambahkan  $  27,810
Total biaya dibebankan ke Departemen  $  28,875  $      3.25
Units Percent Complete Equivalent Units Unit Cost Total Cost
Biaya dipertanggungjawabkan
Transfer ke Dep Finishing        7,500 100%        7,500  $      3.25  $  24,375
WIP Akhir
Materials        1,500 100%        1,500  $      2.00  $    3,000
Labor        1,500 80%        1,200  $      0.50  $       600
Factory Overhead        1,500 80%        1,200  $      0.75  $       900
Total WIP akhir  $    4,500
Total Cost accounted for  $  28,875
Overstreet Company
Finishing Department
Cost of Production Report
For April, 20A
Skedul Kuantitas Labor Overhead Quantity
Persediaan Awal 1,500
Mulai proses periode ini 7,500
Transfer ke Persed Brg Jadi 7,000
Persediaan Akhir 40% 50% 2,000
Biaya dibebankan ke Departemen Total Cost Equivalent Unit  Unit Cost
Persediaan Awal
Biaya dr Dep Sebelumnya  $    4,785
Labor  $       201
Factory Overhead  $       555
Total biaya di persediaan awal  $    5,541
Biaya ditambahkan selama periode berjalan
Biaya dr Dep Sebelumnya  $  24,375 9,000  $      3.24
Labor  $    2,139 7,800  $      0.30
Factory Overhead  $    3,125 8,000  $      0.46
Total biaya ditambahkan  $  29,639
Total biaya dibebankan ke Departemen  $  35,180  $      4.00
Units Percent Complete Equivalent Units Unit Cost Total Cost
Biaya dipertanggungjawabkan
Transfer ke Persed Barang Jadi        7,000 100%        7,000  $      4.00  $  28,000
WIP Akhir
Biaya dr dep sebelumnya        2,000 100%        2,000  $      3.24  $    6,480
Labor        2,000 40%           800  $      0.30  $       240
Factory Overhead        2,000 50%        1,000  $      0.46  $       460
Total WIP akhir  $    7,180
Total Cost accounted for

Overstreet Company
Cutting Department
Cost of Production Report
For April, 20A
Skedul Kuantitas Materials Labor Overhead Quantity
Persediaan Awal     1,000
Mulai proses periode ini     8,000
Transfer ke Dep Finishing     7,500
Persediaan Akhir 100% 80% 80% 1,500
Biaya dibebankan ke Departemen       Total Cost Equivalent Unit  Unit Cost
Persediaan Awal
  Materials  $       915    
  Labor  $         60    
  Factory Overhead  $         90    
  Total biaya di persediaan awal        $    1,065    
Biaya ditambahkan selama periode berjalan      
  Materials  $  17,085 9,000  $      2.00
  Labor  $    4,290 8,700  $      0.50
  Factory Overhead  $    6,435 8,700  $      0.75
  Total biaya ditambahkan  $  27,810    
Total biaya dibebankan ke Departemen      $  28,875    $      3.25
  Units Percent Complete Equivalent Units Unit Cost Total Cost
Biaya dipertanggungjawabkan
Transfer ke Dep Finishing        7,500 100%        7,500  $      3.25  $  24,375
WIP Akhir          
  Materials        1,500 100%        1,500  $      2.00  $    3,000
  Labor        1,500 80%        1,200  $      0.50  $       600
  Factory Overhead        1,500 80%        1,200  $      0.75  $       900
  Total WIP akhir          $    4,500
Total Cost accounted for              $  28,875
Overstreet Company
Finishing Department
Cost of Production Report
For April, 20A
Skedul Kuantitas   Labor Overhead Quantity
Persediaan Awal     1,500
Mulai proses periode ini     7,500
Transfer ke Persed Brg Jadi     7,000
Persediaan Akhir   40% 50% 2,000
Biaya dibebankan ke Departemen       Total Cost Equivalent Unit  Unit Cost
Persediaan Awal
  Biaya dr Dep Sebelumnya  $    4,785    
  Labor  $       201    
  Factory Overhead  $       555    
  Total biaya di persediaan awal        $    5,541    
Biaya ditambahkan selama periode berjalan      
  Biaya dr Dep Sebelumnya  $  24,375 9,000  $      3.24
  Labor  $    2,139 7,800  $      0.30
  Factory Overhead  $    3,125 8,000  $      0.46
  Total biaya ditambahkan  $  29,639    
Total biaya dibebankan ke Departemen      $  35,180    $      4.00
  Units Percent Complete Equivalent Units Unit Cost Total Cost
Biaya dipertanggungjawabkan
Transfer ke Persed Barang Jadi        7,000 100%        7,000  $      4.00  $  28,000
WIP Akhir          
  Biaya dr dep sebelumnya        2,000 100%        2,000  $      3.24  $    6,480
  Labor        2,000 40%           800  $      0.30  $       240
  Factory Overhead        2,000 50%        1,000  $      0.46  $       460
  Total WIP akhir          $    7,180
Total Cost accounted for              $  35,180
 $  35,180

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